Property worth over Rs 681 crore was damaged during the last two month's communal violence in Gujarat with the state's commercial hub sustaining a loss of Rs 410 crore, police said on Saturday. The assessment of property loss made by police in addition to the industrial loss from February 27 to April 26 showed that while in Ahmedabad city alone, minority community suffered a loss of Rs 400 crore, in the rest of the state they lost properties to the tune of Rs 242 crore.
"Since February 27, when violence first broke, till yesterday (Friday), Gujarat's loss in terms of economy has been tremendous," a senior police official said.
The majority community's property loss during the violence has been to the tune of Rs 19 crore in Ahmedabad and about Rs 29 crore in rest of the state.
In Godhra, there was property loss of Rs 26.3 crore with the minority community suffering a loss of Rs 19.6 crore, he said.
According to figures available till last evening, there were 831 deaths including 170 in police firing.
"Of the ninety-three minority deaths in police firing, 59 were in Ahmedabad," the official said adding 31 majority community people died in police firing in Ahmedabad while at the state level the figure stood at 77.
In Ahmedabad alone, 7173 teargas shells were lobbed while at the state level the figure stood at 12,513.
"In Ahmedabad two out of the 90 persons died following lobbing of teargas shells," the official said.
Seeking to counter allegation of police "inaction", he said there were 35,552 arrests in the state, of which 21,563 were taken in custody under preventive measures. Bureau Report