In a clear indication of enhanced military-to-military ties, the United States on Monday said it would shortly begin discussions with India on the issue of lifting of remaining sanctions relating to nuclear and missile technology imposed against New Delhi after the 1998 Pokhran tests. Observing that most sanctions against India have either been lifted or waived, visiting US Secretary of State Donald Rumsfled told reporters that the status of some other sanctions which I think related to nuclear or missile technology is something which the state department and the government of India will discuss.
He was replying to questions on lifting of sanctions against India after two-hour-long talks with defence minister George Fernandes who had stated on Sunday that New Delhi would ask Washington to remove ban on sale of hi-tech armaments and systems to take their strategic partnership to higher plain.
Signalling a new chapter in US-India military relations, Rumsfeld said US under secretary of defence for policy Douglas J. Feith and pacific commmand chief admiral Dennis Blair would be visiting India soon to discuss these issues.
Bureau Report