Indian Space Research Organisation(ISRO) Friday said it would take all possible steps like suspending camera operations and switching off solid state recorders to safeguard its satellites from the Leonid meteoroids shower on November 18. For the Indian Remote Sensing Satellites, camera operations would be suspended, camera steering mechanism arrested and solid state recorders switched off for about 10 hours during the peak of meteoroids shower, ISRO said in a statement Bangalore.

In case of Insat satellites the gyros on board would be kept continuously on to detect any disturbances due to the meteoroids impact and in case of any disturbance, the spacecraft would be brought back to their proper orientation, it said.

ISRO said designers of the various satellite subsystems would be on alert to help in taking contingency measures in case of any impact of meteoroids on any of the satellites.
Leonid meteoroids shower is expected to reach its peak between 2.30 pm and 3.30 pm and again between 10.30 pm and 11.30 pm on November 18. So far, Leonid showers have not affected any ISRO satellite. Bureau Report