A top Japanese ruling party executive on Wednesday filed suit against a weekly magazine for libel after the magazine published an article detailing his alleged relationship with a mistress of 10 years. The lurid article in the weekly Shukan Bunshun comes days before the LDP faces key tests in two parliamentary by-elections on Sunday, losses in which would further dent Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's standing with the party and the public.

"The article is completely groundless and greatly damages Taku Yamasaki's character, reputation and political trust, therefore a criminal suit and a civil suit seeking compensation for damages has been filed," the office of Liberal Democratic Party Secretary General Yamasaki said in a statement.

Yamasaki, a key Koizumi ally, is himself likely to face pressure to resign if LDP candidates fare badly in the elections.
Up for grabs are an Upper House seat in the northwestern prefecture of Niigata -- home of popular Makiko Tanaka, whose sacking as foreign minister in January kicked off a dramatic slide in Koizumi's public support ratings -- as well as a Lower House seat in Wakayama, near Kyoto, the same day.

Voters will also select a new governor of Tokushima prefecture, western Japan, after the former incumbent was arrested for allegedly taking bribes. Bureau Report