United Nations, May 29: The Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) has "key contributions" to make in safeguarding the interests of the Iraqi people, bringing peace to the Middle East, rebuilding Afghanistan and healing the breach between faiths opened by terrorism, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has said. In a message to a meeting of the 56-member body yesterday, Annan said that the OIC has been articulate in rejecting any linkage between international terrorism and Islam, and active in repudiating those "misguided and malevolent" individuals who have invoked Islam while inflicting appalling suffering on innocent people.

"I urge you to continue your efforts to inform the world about what Islam really means and the values it represents, and thus help to fill, with accurate information and mutual understanding, the terrible breach that has opened between faiths, cultures and countries," he added.

That, he said, would be a most welcome contribution to our shared mission of development, tolerance and peace."

Assuring the conference that the UN would play its full part in ensuring that the Iraqi people can form a free, representative government as soon as possible, Annan said, "All international and foreign entities in Iraq must realize that it is essential that at all times we keep the interests of the Iraqi people at the forefront of our efforts."

Bureau Report