Singapore, Sept 22: The Singapore Tourism Board (STB) is to take tougher actions against errant retailers who repeatedly subject tourists to their unethical retail practices. STB has received over 800 complaints from the 8 million tourists Singapore received last year, of which more than 50% were retail-related, with a high proportion of cases coming from the electronic goods sector. As a ratio to the number of visitors, the number of complaints received is not large, but STB regards every complaint received as one case too many.
Since June 2003, letters from the STB have been sent to over 50 retail establishments that have been complained against by tourists, to inform them of possible blacklisting. The first `blacklist` will be carried in the October issues of publications such as The Real Destination Singapore brochure and the Official Map of Singapore. STB will also publish the blacklist monthly on its website,
STB has taken over the responsibility of the handling of complaints against retailers by tourists from the Retail Promotion Centre since May 2003, and has been representing tourists at the Small Claims Tribunals.
A special hotline number, 1800-736 3366, has been set up recently to assist tourists who have had bad experiences during their stay in Singapore.
Bureau Report