Seoul, July 21: Russia wants talks to address North Korea's nuclear weapons programme to begin soon, regardless of Moscow's own participation, visiting Deputy Foreign minister Alexander Losyukov said here today. "It is important that regardless of Russia's participation, talks -- in whatever format the dialogue is -- must open at an early date," Losyukov was quoted by officials here as telling South Korea's foreign minister Yoon Young-Kwan. Russia, one of North Korea's few allies, has been seeking a role in talks between Pyongyang and Washington on the standoff over North Korea's nuclear ambitions. It is among several countries pushing for new talks as a follow up to those held in Beijing in April and attended by China.
"Russia, which supports China's mediator role, will make a due contribution (at talks) in close cooperation with South Korea," said Losyukov, who was in Seoul to attend a Korea-Russia economic cooperation committee meeting.

The talks have stumbled on their format: while North Korea has been pushing for one-on-one dialogue with the United States, Washington wants regional powers to be included.

Last week Russian foreign ministry spokesman Alexander Yakovenko said Russia should also play a role.

"If the formula were opened out, Russian participation would be logical," he told reporters.

Bureau Report.