New Delhi, Nov 22: In the midst of raging controversy over his meeting with Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Chief Vigilance Commissioner P Shankar today said he has not named any minister as having "milked" Public Sector Undertakings. Denying news reports that he named six ministers, including Commerce Minister Arun Jaitley and Petroleum Minister Ram Naik, who allegedly sought money from PSUs under their charge, he told that going by the reputation of ministers like Jaitley, nothing could be said against them.
"The reports that I have named ministers, especially Commerce Minister Arun Jaitley and Petroleum Minister Ram Naik are wild, baseless and totally absurd. Absolutely no names were taken," Shankar said.
He said he had worked under Naik and he would not make such a complaint against him.
Shankar said he had hoped with the Prime Minister himself making a statement last week, the issue should have been given a burial but it was unfortunate it was being discussed even now.
The CVC said when he had met PM he had gone to have a general discussion on vigilance matters and clear the air about the investigations over which there were some misgivings.
The discussion included subjects like the decision-making in PSUs, interference and autonomy for executives.
"We want to bring about corporate governance in PSUs," Shankar said, adding the issue of executives seeking a level playing field was also discussed.
"I am not a Lokpal or Lokayukt to complain about people. I am not in an authority to go into such things," he said.
Bureau Report