Washington, Jun 03: Terming Nepal's forced repatriation of 18 Tibetan asylum seekers to China as an "outrageous development", the US has urged Nepal to return to its previous long-term practice of allowing Tibetans to seek protection in the country for onward resettlement. "This action (of forced repatriation on May 31) not only violates international norms and practices regarding the humane treatment of asylum seekers, but also tarnishes Nepal's long-standing and well-deserved reputation for tolerance and hospitality," a statement, issued yesterday by State Department deputy spokesman Philip Reeker, said. The US government urges "Nepal to return to its previous long-term practice of allowing Tibetans to see protection in Nepal for onward resettlement," it said.
In the past, Nepal has demonstrated its respect for the rights of asylum seekers by granting access to "persons of concern" by local representatives of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, it said. "Our embassy in Kathmandu has informed the Nepalese government at the highest level of our concern about this specific incident. The status of Tibetan refugees in Nepal is a long-standing issue that is often raised in Kathmandu,” said the statement.
"The United Nations High Commission for Refugees has said the forcible return of the 18 Tibetans to China without a status determination constituted a refoulement (forced return), which is clearly contrary to international norms," it added. Bureau Report