Kathmandu, Feb 22: Asserting the political parties were ready to face King Gyanendra's 'challenge,' former Nepali Prime Minister and president of the Nepali Congress Girija Prasad Koirala has said that their struggle against the monarchy would end only after the revival of democracy and restoration of people's rights. The unarmed struggle for democracy would make the King kneel down before the people, Koirala said in his address to party workers at Panauti in Kavre district, 70 kilometres east of Kathmandu, a Nepalese newspaper reported today.
''If the King's Nepalgunj speech is a challenge, we are ready to face it,'' he said and called on the King ''to abdicate and come to the streets”.
''King Tribhuvan gave democracy in 2007 BS, but his son, King Mahendra, usurped the power in 2017 King Birendra yielded to people's wish, but the present King usurped the power again,'' Koirala pointed out, adding there was no need for the people to shoulder the King's mistake.
''The King has rebuffed his late brother by accusing the political parties of taking advantage of his well-meant move,'' he said.
The veteran leader also called on the parents and guardians to let the children take part in the students' agitation against regression.
Nepal's five leading party including the Nepali Congress, CPN, UML, a faction of the Nepal Sadbhavana Party, Nepal Peasants and Workers Party and Janamorcha Nepal have been continuing their protest against the King's step of October 4.
The parties have been demanding the formation of an all-party government, reinstatement of the dissolved House of Representatives and holding talks with the Maoists to end the crisis in the country. Bureau Report