London, April 01: Being a male, I read with some amusement an article that forecast the future would belong to the female. I thought is it not already, given the male`s inherent desire and avowed principle to please to win their pleasure. But my amusement turned into dismay, if not outright trepidation, when I read that sooner than later women might not need us at all, I mean the male species. Baroness Susan Greenfield, an Oxford University professor and the first woman director of the Royal Institution rubbed the salt further by stating that medical techniques allowing women to delay starting families and to do so without the assistance of a male partner will fuel the argument that men will no longer be needed. Well, we already see the beginning of such a spectre. The rise in "girl power", the laddete culture and the trend for girls to outshine boys academically and socially is already changing the society`s spectrum. Groups of young women and even older ones sitting in groups and enjoying their pints while guffawing over raw male jokes are now a common sight. The American scientists have further ensured dominance of the female. They have announced that they could effectively reverse the menopause, which would enable women to delay parenthood until their 50s and 60s. Baroness is delighted. She says this would help women plan their lives better. "Imagine harvesting your eggs at 18… knowing that you could choose at what stage in your life you might want to reproduce," is her message. Worse for us the male, is her next comment. She said that new technologies could make women less "inclined and able to communicate, and therefore happier in front of a screen rather than talking to, let alone loving our fellow man". My advise, particularly to the Indian men would be to start learning to do household chores before it is too late. They must give careful consideration to the message from Oxford and from other women who are determined to change the social scales and parameters. They might have to live in a women`s world. One says this not as an MCP but as one who is sagacious enough to heed the future.