New Delhi, May 02: A strong demand for imposition of President's rule in Bihar and detention of RJD president Laloo Prasad Yadav under Pota was made by BJP and some of its allies in the Lok Sabha today alleging that the state was witnessing a "jungle raj". Raising the issue during Zero Hour, Samata Party member Prabhunath Singh said violence by RJD supporters in the wake of the 'lathi rally' sponsored by the ruling party and the gunning down of BJP leader Satyanarayan Sinha showed that there was anarchy in Bihar.

Demanding that Bihar be brought under President's rule, he said all the conditions necessary for imposition of Central rule were present in the state. Besides, he said Yadav be detained under Pota as he was instrumental in spreading terror. He was supported by his party colleague Renu Kumari and BJP member Kirti Azad who wanted a CBI probe into the murder of Sinha.

BJP member Lalmuni Choubey alleged that there was direct involvement of the RJD president in the murder of Sinha and, therefore, Yadav and his relatives guilty of the crime should be booked under Pota. His party colleague Vijay Kumar Malhotra said it was an irony that the congress was supporting the RJD at a time when Bihar was burning. An earlier attempt to impose President's rule in the state failed to succeed as Congress opposed the proposal in Rajya Sabha, he added.

This was strongly objected to by Congress members E M Sudarsana Natchiappan and Lakshman Singh.

Responding to members' concern, Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Bhavana Chikhaliya said she would bring the issue to the notice of the home minister. Bureau Report