Pittsburgh, Apr 25: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has become a sponsor of the Sustainable Computing Consortium (SCC). This was announced by SCC on Friday. TCS, Asia's largest global software consulting and services organisation, increased its involvement in the Consortium to the Sponsor level -- one of only two corporate partners to be active at that level.

"We are delighted that Tata Consultancy Services, a world leader in IT and management consulting services and a founding member of the SCC, has stepped up its support of the Sustainable Computing Consortium by becoming a Sponsor," said William Guttman, director of the SCC.
The SCC is an organisation at Carnegie Mellon University composed of leading global businesses, software developers and government agencies whose aim is to improve software quality, dependability and security.
Arup Gupta, president of TCS' North American operations, said: "As consultants in the field of IT and management, we routinely witness firsthand the enormous risks associated with existing weaknesses in IT security. “ Bureau Report