Putrajaya (Malaysia), Oct 13: President Pervez Musharraf has declared that Pakistan would "counter" India's move to acquire Israeli Falcon Airborne Radar Systems and urged the United States to "try harder" to persuade New Delhi to resume Indo-Pak dialogue. In an interview to Malaysian daily 'New Strait Times' published today, the Pakistani general asserted he would never allow his country to be at a military disadvantage and would do his best to maintain a no-win situation.

"We will maintain that no-win situation come what may - this, the world and India should know. They have reached an agreement and we will counter it. That has to be very clear. We will never allow the no-win situation to be disturbed," Musharraf said in response to a question on India's tripartite agreement with Russia and Israel for the manufacture of Awacs. Musharraf, who is here to attend the meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Conference, said he wanted the US to try harder to persuade India to enter into a dialogue with Pakistan.

He noted that relations with India have improved with New Delhi granting Pakistan MFN trading status but he said the situation can't be resolved by a "piecemeal" improvement of relations unless major causes of the dispute are addressed. Bureau Report