Singapore, July 26: A Singapore Airlines steward was placed on a medical leave after he stripped off all his clothing on a flight and tossed out the contents of his wallet, a SIA spokesman today said. Two hours into the flight from Perth, Australia to Singapore on July 11, the 31-year-old steward travelling as a passenger started acting up.
He stood up and flung the contents of a glass of wine on passengers sitting around him, began shouting and made his way to the toilet in the middle of the plane, said witnesses. ''When I looked up, I saw him naked,'' one witness was quoted as saying. ''He wasn't even wearing underwear. He was shouting, and tossing credit cards and some photos out of his wallet all over the plane.''
The crew members could not immediately do anything because they were stuck behind meal carts they had wheeled into the aisles. The naked man eventually was subdued by crew members and bundled up in blankets, who escorted him back to the toilet where he put on his clothing.
He had been fined for disorderly conduct in Perth and was being brought home by a relative after a doctor said he was fit to fly, the SIA spokesman said.
After the plane arrived here, he was taken to a hospital and later transferred to the institute of mental health. Bureau Report