Los Angeles, June 06: The stars of "2Fast 2Furious" raced down the red carpet at the movie's premiere in Los Angeles. Rapper Tyrese and Paul Walker headline the sequel to last year's summer blockbuster. The high-octane flick may not have Vin Diesel, but critics are saying it does have humor and action the original can't touch. Tyrese says sometimes the high-speed action was almost too real. "It got a little hectic, you know what I mean, but I wasn't willing to lose a leg for Universal. I love you, but my momma likes me walking regular," Tyrese jokes. Also in movie news, the American Film Institute has named its top 50 heroes and villains with serial killer Hannibal Lecter from "Silence of the Lambs" winning top bad guy honors. Norman Bates of "Psycho" fame came in second, followed by that scourge of Oz, The Wicked Witch of the West. Atticus Finch, the crusading lawyer in "To Kill A Mockingbird" carried the day for the good guys. Finch was followed by Indiana Jones in the number two spot and James Bond in "Dr. No" taking third. Jurors were asked to evaluate characters on their cultural impact and the legacy their movies left behind.

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