Jaipur, Aug 22: Opposition BJP today held a dharna on the floor of the Rajasthan house demanding allocation of land for a go-shala in Maroth village of Nagaur district amidst anti-government slogans and uproarious scenes. During question hour, BJP members led by the leader of opposition G C Kataria disagreed with the revenue minister Kamla's reply and sat on the well and urged the speaker Paras Ram Maderna to get the assurance from the Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot.

On a starred question of BJP MLA Harish Chandra Kumawat, the revenue minister Kamla informed the house that though the Nagaur district collector said there was no dispute on the land occupied by Srijan Kalyan Gopal go-shala, later the Industries Department found it to be an industrial land. Hence her government could not allot this land to the go-shala, she said. On persistent demand, Kamla assured that she would serve a notice to the RIICO asking whether it would make use of it or not.

Later the Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot criticised the Kataria for holding protest despite revenue minister's assurance. The house also witnessed noisy scenes after suspended BJP member Devi Singh Bhati blamed the Central government for not enacting the anti-cow slaughter bill.

Bureau Report