New Delhi, Aug 14: Accusing Pakistan of trying to sabotage conduct of peaceful elections in Jammu and Kashmir, India on Wednesday warned that it would take ''necessary measures'' to counter such designs.
Reacting sharply to ''provocative language'' used by Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf in his Independence Day address on Wednesday, New Delhi said it was regrettable that he should continue to indulge in such ''negative posturing and seek to heighten tensions.''
''We have taken note of his intention to disrupt peaceful elections in Jammu and Kashmir and to continue his hostile postures towards India,'' Rao said emphasising ''the Government of India will take the necessary measures to counter Pakstan's designs''. She said Musharraf's ''denigration of the electoral process in J and K and indirect exhortations to boycott the elections, coupled with disowning responsibility for terrorist activity sponsored to disrupt the electoral process in J and K, indicate that our concerns that Pakistan intends to sabotage these elections are well founded''. In his speech, Musharraf termed the elections in J & K as "farcical" and said ''elections cannot be a substitute for a free and impartial plebiscite under the auspices of the United Nations''. He also said the ''struggle for self determination of our Kashmiri brothers is a sacred trust with us which can never be compromised''. Bureau Report