Beijing, June 20: china has lodged a strong protest with the US over Taiwan Foreign Minister's visit to Colorado and a possible meeting with Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, describing it as "interference" in its internal affairs. "China firmly opposes Taiwan's "foreign minister", Eugene Chien, visiting the United States, and has lodged a serious representation to the us side for permitting the trip," foreign ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said.

"The official exchanges constituted an interference in China's internal affairs," he said.

Reports said that Chien is to visit the us to attend the 22nd world forum at Colorado sponsored by the American enterprise institute and could meet Rumsfeld at the event.
Liu noted that official exchanges between Taiwan and the us were in violation of the principles enshrined in the three Sino-US joint communiques and the commitment from the US side to abide by the "One China" policy.

Liu urged the United States "to keep its promises" and commitments to china and halt any official exchanges with Taiwan, so as to avoid harming Sino-US relations and cooperation.

Bureau Report