Jerusalem, Aug 15: Israel began releasing more Palestinian prisoners today, but Palestinian leaders have said such releases in small numbers fall far short of their demands of a mass release.
A van believed to be carrying five prisoners emerged from the Damum prison just outside the coastal city of Haifa early today. They were among 68 Palestinian prisoners expected to be freed today. Prison officials said others were released during the night, though it was unclear how many.
The 68 were held on criminal charges like illegal entry into Israel or car theft. Palestinians demand that instead, Israel must free many of the 7,000 other prisoners it is holding, including uprising leaders, but Israel refuses to release Palestinians involved in terror attacks.
The prisoners had been expected to be released on Tuesday, but Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had them returned to their cells after two suicide bombings that day.
On August 06, Israel freed 334 prisoners who were members of militant groups, but Palestinians complained that too few were senior figures.

Today's releases came a day after senior Israeli and Palestinian officials met amid tension over the killing of a senior militant in a raid that threatened to rekindle mideast violence.
Bureau Report