Mumbai, July 02: Mumbai High Court today deferred till July 23 hearing on a PIL filed by anti-corruption crusader Anna Hazare after Maharashtra government assured that it would file a report of Subodh Jaiswal Committee on investigations into the multi-crore stamp paper scam involving prime accused Abdul Karim Telgi. Advocate general Goolam Vahanvati made a statement before Chief Justice C K Thakker and Justice Vijaya Kapse Tahilramani that the government would file the Jaiswal Committee report along with the comments of Director General of Police O P Bali on the investigations made by the state and the action taken report within three weeks.
The PIL has urged the court to direct the respondents to implement the report submitted by the special investigative team headed by subodh jaiswal on the investigations into the fake stamp paper scam. Hazare alleged the government had not taken any action on the report although the committee recommended action against the then Police Commissioner of Pune R S Sharma, ACP Mulani and P I Deshmukh. Sharma is now Police Commissioner of Mumbai.
The PIL also urged for a direction to the Karnataka government to produce audio tapes of recorded telephonic talks which allegedly revealed that Telgi offered a bribe of Rs 50 lakh to a cop concerned with the investigations in the case. The Jaiswal Committee report had indicted all the three officers and recommended dismissal of Mulani and Deshmukh. As regards Sharma, the report blamed him for lopsided probe and held him responsible for the lapses as he was involved in day to day investigations as a superior officer. Bureau Report