New Delhi, Dec 03 : Tension gripped protocol officials briefly as Russian President Vladimir Putin stepped down the ladder of his aircraft here this evening with the minister in waiting Vasundhara Raje and the foreign secretary Kanwal Sibal nowhere near the reception line. As the presidential aircraft touched down at the Palam technical area, the Russian Ambassador to India Alexander M Kadakin went up the ladder to usher the dignitary out.
A sprightly Putin quickly got down the ladder and began shaking hands while Raje and Sibal, said to be caught up in traffic snarl on their way to the airport, made a last-minute dash to join the galaxy of those welcoming the Russian president. Raje had to squeeze through middle of the line-up to greet Putin while Sibal had to settle only at the end of the line to welcome the Russian guest.

"I was present in the Lok Sabha till a little past 6 pm for the passage of the important freedom of expression bill. I was also delayed due to the rush hour traffic", Raje said when asked about her delay in reaching the airport.
Sibal said he was briefing Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee on Putin's visit till 6.30 pm and was also caught in the traffic snarl.

Bureau Report