Washington, Nov 26: Democrats have denounced a move by Republican negotiators to set a new limit for media ownership concentration at 39 percent, up from the historical 35 percent, but lower than the 45 percent sought earlier this year by the George W Bush administration. Under pressure from media conglomerates, the FCC revised media ownership rules in June, allowing a single company to own up to 45 percent share of a TV audience, up from 35 percent.
The FCC also lifted a restriction preventing a company from owning both a newspaper and TV station in all but the smallest markets, and relaxed ownership rules to allow a single company to own up to three TV stations in the largest cities.
Outraged lawmakers in congress rolled back those rules in September, but under white house pressure, Republican negotiators this week opted for a middle ground limit of 39 percent.
Bush had threatened to veto any measure that rolled back the relaxed media ownership rules.
The full Congress still must approve that new limit, but passage is expected next month or in January.
Several lawmakers said yesterday they were appalled over the end run by negotiators around the Congressional leaders.
Bureau Report