Tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalithaa, on Saturday, said the inquiry commission, appointed by the state government to go into the arrest episode of former chief minister M Karunanidhi and others on June 30, would determine whether there were any violations of the apex court guidelines. Intervening during the debate on the state budget in response to a point raised by Leader of Opposition K Anbazhagan (DMK), Jayalalithaa said she had issued a statement some weeks ago that there were no violations of Supreme Court guidelines regarding arrests. But the DMK leader Anbazhagan maintained that there were violations.
It is for the inquiry commission to say whether there were any violations or not, she said. Intervening for a second time, Jayalalithaa said a separate commission set up to probe incidents of violence during a DMK rally on August 12, would go into the number of deaths during the rally, over which there was some dispute. Only the commission would be able to give the exact number, she said.
She appealed to the leader of opposition to refrain from going into details of the arrest episode and violence during the rally as commissions had been set up to probe the incidents. Bureau Report