Maintaining its long held position, India on Thursday rejected US offer to facilitate resumption of Indo-Pak dialogue and asserted there is no room for third party involvement. It also said all outstanding issues between the two countries have to be addressed "directly" through bilateral dialogue.

"The position of the Government of India is quite clearly stated. It is for India and Pakistan to address the outstanding issues between them directly through bilateral dialogue. There is really no room for any third party involvement in this process," External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Nirupama Rao told reporters.
She was asked for India's reaction to Bush's remarks made in Washington after talks with visiting Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf.
"I hope we can facilitate serious and meaningful dialogue between India and Pakistan," Bush told reporters at the White House in the presence of Musharraf adding U S would continue to "press" for talks which was the "best way" to resovle the problem. Bureau Report