London, Aug 10: Police in London have been put on the highest state of alert with orders to "shoot to kill" suicide bombers following intelligence warnings that an al-Qaeda terrorist attack in Britain is imminent. Sir John Stevens, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, has placed his force on its highest state of alert following latest intelligence from British and American security services that al-Qaeda intends to bomb public buildings in central London, the Sunday Telegraph reported today. The al-Qaeda had twice tried to target Britain this year but on both occasions their attempts were foiled. In January, police seized the deadly poison ricin from a flat in wood green, north London. The following month a plot to attack Heathrow was uncovered. Armed troops and tanks were sent to guard the airport. Sir John has now given instructions that the hundreds of armed officers who patrol the capital must shoot to kill if they believe that someone is trying to detonate explosives carried on their body or in a vehicle, the report said.

He has also told his officers that information from British intelligence indicated there are more al-Qaeda agents in Britain than previously thought. He believes that the terror network is sufficiently extensive to be able to mount suicide attacks.

According to the report, the training and guidance to the police officers is being organised by specialist officers who have visited Sri Lanka and Israel, which have long experience of suicide bombings.

Bureau Report