A senior Pakistan minister and former ISI chief on Wednesday said his country would exercise the nuclear option if its survival was put at stake. "If it ever comes to annihilation of Pakistan then what is this damned nuclear option for, we will use against the enemy," Minister for Railways Javed Ashraf Qazi said.
Qazi told IRNA in an interview that the general view was that there would be mutual destruction on either sides, if nuclear confrontation takes place.
He however said Pakistan would fight a conventional war if attacked by India, but won't hesitate to use nuclear weapons in case of the question of its survival.
"If Indians will destroy most of us, we too will annihilate parts of the adversary. If Pakistan is being destroyed through conventional means, we will destroy them by using the nuclear option... as they say if I am going down the ditch, I will also take my enemy with me," he said adding that "Pakistan will never be a walk-over for the enemy,"
He said in case of a war, there would be tremendous destruction which would be worse than that of World War II. Bureau Report