Fighting has erupted between local leaders in Afghanistan's eastern Paktia province where coalition forces are searching for remnants of the Taliban and al Qaeda, a report said. Militiamen loyal to Paktia warlord Padsha Khan launched an attack against the forces of the tribal council in the provincial capital, Gardez, around 0100 IST some five kilometres east of the city, the Pakistan-based Afghan Islamic Press (AIP) said.

Clashes involving tanks, rockets and artillery continued through the night and morning as Khan's men tried to move on Gardez, where us-led coalition troops have an operating base.


Both sides are using tanks, rockets and cannon. Some of them landed near the city jail and some in other parts of the city, but there were no reports of casualties and injuries, a witness said. AIP said around four men from both sides were killed and two were injured.

Padsha Khan, an ethnic Pashtun warlord, tried to storm Gardez in January after interim Afghan cabinet leader Hamid Karzai appointed him governor of Paktia to replace the former Taliban rulers.

But Saif Ullah, the leader of the local Shura, or council, routed Khan's forces in fierce fighting which left some 50 people dead, including 20 civilians.

Karzai blamed the fighting on khan and appointed another governor, Taj Mohammad Wardak from northern Badakshan province, but Khan has never accepted the decision and has been mustering his forces ever since.
Bureau Report