A defence official accused by Tehelka of accepting money from it in fictitious arms deals, on Wednesday moved the Delhi high court challenging the authenticity of news portal's secret tapes and issuance of the notice to him by the Venkataswami Commission, probing the whole episode.
Narinder Singh, to whom the commission had issued notice on July 19 under Section 8-B of the commission of inquiries act, sought direction to the panel to get the authenticity of the Tehelka tapes examined by forensic experts and get prepared a true transcription of the same.
Justice Mukul Mudgal after a brief hearing deferred the matter for further hearing till November 26 saying he needed more time to study the bulky documents annexed by Singh with his writ petition.
Questioning the authenticity of the Tehelka tapes, Singh's counsel Rajiv Nayar said two expert witnesses presented by the news portal before the commission in their statements had categorically stated that to establish the genuineness of the tapes it will be necessary to look at the camera originals.

Tehelka's witness Pradip Krishan had clearly stated to the commission that the original unedited camera tapes will definitely reveal if there is any interpolation. He had also admitted that he did not have the equipment or the expertise to authenticate the camera original, Nayar told the court.
News portal's another witness M Umashakar had told the commission that interpolation was possible and he could turn a man's voice into a woman's voice, the counsel said.
Bureau Report