Jerusalem, Oct 04: Palestinians woke up today to a total closure of the West Bank and Gaza Strip ahead of the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, while the United States criticized Israel`s decision to erect a controversial security barrier and boost settlement activity. "Based on a decision by the political authorities and the assessment of the situation, a complete closure of Judea and Samaria (West Bank) and the Gaza Strip will start on Friday ... through to the Yom Kippur," which ends on Monday night, Israel`s army said in a statement. The holiday, during which airports, ports and borders are closed, is the holiest in Judaism. Israel also appeared determined to extend the separation barrier which will cut deep into the West Bank and expand three settlements, aggravating its us ally which warned the moves would stand in the way of the already waning peace process. US Secretary of State Colin Powell told the Washington Post he was not fooled by the plan in an interview published Saturday.
"The more you intrude into Palestinian areas, and the more it looks like it could be a contiguous intrusion around large sections of Palestinian land that would prejudge subsequent negotiations as to what a Palestinian state may look like, that`s a problem," he said.
Palestinians charge the Israeli fence aims to grab more West Bank land so as to push their future state`s borders eastwards and substantially reduce its size.
Bureau Report