Washington, Aug 15: United States and its allies have detained more than 3,000 terrorists in more than 100 countries since the terrorist attacks on the US nearly two years ago, a senior counter-terrorism official of the State Department has said.
``Entire cells have been disbanded across the globe -- just as they were planning more attacks,`` Ambassador Cofer Black said at the International Association of Prosecutors conference here.
``I am able to report to you that more than one half of al-Qaeda`s top leadership has been killed or captured, including some of those who conspired to attack New York and Washington and others who helped attack the USS Cole and our embassies in east Africa. In short, we have degraded and sown confusion into the uppermost ranks of al-Qaeda.``
Black, who is US State Department`s Coordinator for counter-terrorism, said that more than 170 countries have issued orders to freeze terrorists` assets, ``and so far, we have frozen more than 144 million dollars and designated more than 250 terrorist groups and entities.``
``In the fight against terrorism, triumph will not come solely, or even primarily, through military might. Rather, it will come through using every instrument of national power,`` Black said.

``We must fight on five fronts, using effective diplomacy, military power, better homeland defences, intelligence, and vigorous efforts to cut off terrorist financing. And within this group of five fronts, diplomacy is first among equals. Indeed, diplomacy is the backbone of our campaign for one simple reason that international partnerships help us to act more effectively.``

Black told the prosecutors from around the world that cooperation and sharing of ideas was critical on matters of law.

Whether extraditing terrorists or controlling their money flow, identifying them before they act or punishing them afterwards – on each of these critical issues, ``the law is front and center,`` he said.

Bureau Report