Dhaka, Sept 10: Pakistani Foreign Minister Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri today warned that the sale of weapons by Israel to India could disturb the balance of power in South Asia. "By visits of that nature in which the primary purpose seems to be the sale of ultra-modern and strategic weaponry aimed at disturbing the balance of power in South Asia, ultimately it will be the poor people of South Asia who will pay," he told reporters during a visit to the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka.

"To that extent I think it is most unfortunate," he added. The Pakistani Foreign Minister, who arrived here earlier today, was commenting on military cooperation between India and Israel, in focus during an ongoing visit by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to New Delhi.

Kasuri said Islamabad wanted friendly ties with all South Asian countries, including India, but at the same time was ready to defend itself.

"We do not have any aggressive intention against any country. But we have taken all possible precautions in all fields to defend every inch of our country," he said. Kasuri said Islamabad would not "compete with India in the form of a military race, but we will do all that it takes to maintain a minimum credible deterrent."

Kasuri was in Dhaka to prepare for a summit of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) in Islamabad in January.

Bureau Report