Washington, Oct 03: In a vast outpouring of grief over the terrorist attack on the Swaminarayan temple in Gandhinagar, and support for the ideals of communal peace, all 170 Swaminarayan centres in the United States held a simultaneous memorial service on Wednesday which was attended by members of all communities. In Washington, 800 people gathered at the Swaminarayan temple in Beltsville, a Washington suburb.
Speaking on the occasion, Indian Ambassador to the US Lalit Mansingh expressed the determination of the Governments in India -- Centre and the states -- to wipe out terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

He said India had the US support in the fight against terror. "In fact, it is a joint fight, Mansingh added.
"We will not be deterred from our path of peace," he said.
Mahatma Gandhi's favourite prayers and bhajans were sung on the occasion. Bureau Report