Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf said that there were ''indications'' of a possible nuclear test by India but US officials quickly distanced themselves from the charge.
Musharraf, did not make clear whether he was referring to a nuclear test in the past or the future. But a Pakistani government official said later that Musharraf had received intelligence suggesting one might be ''imminent''.
The Pakistani leader was in Washington for a meeting with President George W. Bush on Wednesday, referred in a speech before an audience of South Asian experts to India's test-firing of a nuclear-capable missile on January. 25.
''The missile test carried out by India, and some information, some news even, of maybe a possibility of a nuclear test, is most untimely and may I also say provocative,'' he told an audience of South Asian experts.

A state department official responded to Musharraf's remarks saying, ''We haven't received any information from the Pakistani government on this.''

Bureau Report