After raking up the Kashmir issue in his speech at the United Nations General Assembly, Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf played the dove declaring that he was prepared for resumption of dialogue with India which he said should not adopt an ostrich-like attitude on the Kashmir issue.
Enjoying his attention as a frontline state in the international campaign in Afghanistan, he told a press conference at the UN on Friday that Pakistan remains ready for resumption of a dialogue with India and I look forward to restarting the process.
Accusing India of having gone back on a settlement at the Agra Summit, he said, “One can`t clap with one hand. You ask exactly the same question to Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee,” he told a questioner who wanted to know why the two countries were not talking to each other.
He said it was upto Vajpayee and external affairs minister Jaswant Singh, who have been invited to visit Pakistan, to make the visit. Earlier in his speech at the UNGA, Musharraf gave his own spin to the issue of terrorism saying that the question is, whether it is the people asking for their rights in accordance with the UN resolutions who are to be called terrorists or whether it is the countries refusing to implement the UN resolutions who are perpetrators of state terrorism.
Bureau Report