Kolkata, Aug 20: India should build up a strong case against linking WTO with non-trade issues like labour and environment, experts observed at a seminar organised jointly by FICCI, Indian Chamber of Commerce and American Centre here today. Speaking on `benefits from WTO-gains for India', former foreign secretary Muchkund Dubey said that India should build up a coalition with like-minded countries on important issues as a run-up to the Cancun ministerial meet scheduled in September.
He said that India had committed mistakes in the past by committing itself to trips, adding that such mistakes should not be repeated in the forthcoming round of talks at Cancun.

Pradeep Mehta, secretary-general of Consumer Unity and Trust Society (Cuts), a leading consumer rights body, said that the move to link trade with issues like labour and intellectual property rights is designed by the developed countries to construct non-tariff barriers.
In this regard, he said that labour issues could be handled by International Labour Organisation, while intellectual property matters could be handled by World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).
Similarly, trade facilitation matters could be looked into by World Customs Organisation, he said. Bureau Report