In a sudden move, Sri Lankan President Chandrika Kumaratunga left the country on Wednesday after handing over the powers and functions of her office to Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake. Wickremanayake took his oath of office as acting President before Chief Justice Sarath N Siva at a function in the President's House on Wednesday morning, an official spokesman said in a statement. He did not say how long Kumaratunga would be out of the country.
This is the first time Kumaratunga has asked the Prime Minister to act on her behalf during her absence, though she has gone abroad on private visits many times in the past. Sri Lanka's constitution provides that the President shall appoint the Prime Minister to exercise, perform and discharge the powers, duties and functions of President when the incumbent is not in a position to do so by reason of illness or absence.
Her sudden visit to an unknown destination comes at a critical juncture, when the People's Alliance regime of Wickremanayake is facing a vote of no-confidence that may be taken up in the middle of next month.
It is not clear whether she will be back in time for the no-trust motion. Details of Kumaratunga's destination, the purpose of her visit and its duration were not revealed. Information about her movements is generally kept under wraps for security purposes.
Bureau Report