New Delhi, Oct 11: Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani today criticised political parties projecting ideology of BJP and RSS as aimed at dividing the nation and said this notion should be dispelled. "This ideology (of BJP or RSS) is in fact uniting and strengthening the nation and I believe the thinking of political parties except BJP that this is dividing the nation should be shed and there is need to understand one another," he told to a TV channel.
Asked if RSS, with which he has been associated for a long time, had not become a controversial organisation vis-a-vis Hindu-Muslim relations, the Deputy Prime Minister said that it was because the leaders of the country did not try to help the people form the right opinion.
To a question, Advani disfavoured the practice of turning castes into vote bank and said non-government organisations could play a major role in dealing with issues relating to castes.
In this regard he said that instead of thinking of a clash of civilisations, it should be treated as a competition of civilisations ... Competition for human progress, greater human harmony and not for domination.
Advani said that instead of conflict, what was needed was coordination and cooperation to surmount various problems facing the nation.
To questions regarding development, he said that during elections political issues or polarisation on caste lines influence the outcome of the polls, pushing development issues to the backburner.
Advani said that when the country attained independence in 1947, people thought that within ten-fifteen years poverty, backwardness and illiteracy would disappear.
Stating that even today none would treat India as a developed nation, he said that describing the country as a developing nation was an euphemism for "undeveloped" nation.
Asserting that India had tremendous potential, he said that during the last four to five years the country's biggest achievement was that its capabilities had been recognised the world over and the Indian diaspora has played a commendable role in this direction.
He also said that the country could transform into a developed nation even before 2020 as it was not impossible to provide every village with road, drinking water, schools and dispensaries.
Asked about regional imbalances, he said it was indeed a matter of concern and to remove the problem every political party had to do its best.
He said that in democracy, good governance has to be combined with prudent politics, that is, a politics which people can understand and accept and not opportunism.
"Good governance and development have to be the thrust of political campaign in the future," he said. Bureau Report