New Delhi: The show began in a dhoom dhadaka way, with ‘Kya Kool Hain Hum’ stars Tussar Kapoor, Aftab Shivdasani joining the housemates.


Mandana was brought to knowledge about her legal soup about her upcoming movie and the contract with the production house.

Tusshar Kapoor and Aftab Shivdasani told Mandana through a video by Ekta Kapoor that she needs to come out of the show in order to promote her movie or else she will be in legal soup and have to pay a hefty fine.

Mandana was upset over the issue and was confused which way to go. Later Salman Khan reminded her about the fine she will have to pay to ‘Bigg Boss’ if she left, although the money amount would be lesser in ‘Bigg Boss’.

However, in a second clip by Ekta Kapoor, Karimi was told that she can join the promotions for the movie after a week. However, the team asked her to promote her movie while she is also inside the home to which Mandana happily agreed.

Manish Paul was the next guest for the show. The anchor-turned actor came to promote his film ‘Tere Bin Laden dead or alive’.

Later Priya, who left the show on Saturday appeared on the show to have  chitchat with Salman.