Sydney, Sept 01: Australia, a key US ally in the Iraq war, said today it would support a new UN Security Council resolution authorising the deployment of more foreign troops in Iraq. Foreign Minister Alexander downer said he was optimistic that a new UN resolution would be passed to encourage more countries, like India, to become involved in Iraq in support of US troops who would remain in command of security.
"You would definitely get countries like India and Russia and France looking more favourably on sending troops to Iraq if there was ... A greater united nations cover for forces sent into Iraq," downer told a radio. He said Australia would support a Security Council resolution that would give united nations more of a role in Iraq than is currently the case, "though what that greater role would be is still of course a matter of debate in New York."

He also believed a UN resolution would also propose "some sort of road map" towards self-government in Iraq. "Obviously it would have to be negotiated by the members of security council, particularly most signficiantly the permanent members of the security council," he said.

"I think it's very likely that in the end an agreement can be reached on a new security council resolution and that there will be further reinforcements sent into Iraq from other countries."

Australia believed it was "very important" for other countries to reinforce US troops in Iraq because the alternative, demanding a complete withdrawal of US and other foreign forces there was not an option, he said.

Bureau Report