Surfer’s Paradise, Oct 27: Canadian Paul Tracy clinched his first Champ Car World Series title in Australia on Sunday.
American rookie Ryan Hunter-Reay scored his first victory taking the rain-shortened Surfers 300 while Canadian Paul Tracy clinched his first Champ Car World Series title. Tracy grabbed the series trophy, the Vanderbilt Cup, with tears in his eyes. It had taken Tracy 13 years to achieve this title and he called the chaotic race typical of his career. Britain's Darren Manning, another rookie, had his best career finish of second place while Jimmy Vasser, Hunter-Reay's teammate took the third podium spot in a Reynard Ford Cosworth sweep. This was the first one-two finish by rookies in the series since 1983. The race started under a yellow caution flag due to threatening conditions.

Tracy spun sideways in the first turn of lap three when he was hit by pole sitter Sebastien Bourdais of France. That put Bruno Junqueira, of Brazil, Tracy's only title challenger in the lead.

The race appeared to be a repeat of the chaotic 2002 event when wind, rain and hail forced a full course stoppage, on lap 14, for 39 minutes. Champ Car officials shortened the race to 47 laps of the scheduled 65.

On lap 20 Tracy was involved in yet another incident damaging the rear suspension of his car falling three laps behind at the time.

After the track was cleaned of water and hailstones, Junqueira, who led for 29 laps, hit a wall on the frontstraight chicane, on 37 bringing out the seventh of nine cautions.

Hunter-Reay took the lead for good on lap 33 and won by 1.5 seconds. It was also the first victory for the American Spirit Team Johansson, founded by formula one veteran Stefan Johannson of Sweden.

Bureau Report