A 51-year-old German woman, who has allegedly been stalking Richard Gere, is fit to stand trial on charges of harassing the actor, a New York judge ruled on May 9. At a hearing in Manhattan Criminal Court, Judge Gregory Carro also ordered Ursula Reichert-Habbishaw of Kessel, Germany, to stay away from the actor or face a second arrest. The judge said Reichert-Habbishaw could be released on bail.

Reichert-Habbishaw, who will be back in court on May 16, faces one year in jail if convicted of three counts of aggravated harassment, stalking and harassment.


Assistant District Attorney Robert Wallack said Reichert-Habbishaw has been following Gere in this country since February 2001.

"She has called him anywhere from 100 to 1000 times, left messages in his voice mail and visited him at his office six times, during which she professed her love for him," Wallack said.

The prosecutor also said Reichert-Habbishaw made six trips to the United States and headed "straight to his office" demanding to see the actor. "She has come to New York each time to stalk Richard Gere."

Gere said he has never met the woman. "My secretary has spoken to her," said the actor, who starred in American Gigolo, An Officer and a Gentleman and Pretty Woman. Bureau Report