New Delhi, July 09: The India and Pakistan chambers of commerce and industry met with Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The meeting was described as warm by FICCI secretary general Dr Amit Mitra. “What was originally slated as a courtesy call became a 50-minute meeting.” The eight-member Pakistani team was led by Ilyas Ahmed Bilour. Other delegates were Dr AC Muthiah, president Ficci, Dr Mitra and JM Magoon, vice president Saarc chanbers of commerce and industry. Mian Habib Ullah, former president of the Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and minister in the Benazir Bhutto government was also present.
The team presented joint recommendations to the Prime Minister. These referred to regularising unoffical trade as well as the need to make Saarc more effective. The team stressed on the need to provide visas for visiting businessmen on the recommendations of Ficci and the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry. The need to provide efficient and cost-effective transportation was stated as a pre-requisite for promoting trade and commerce. Bureau Report