Auraiya (UP), July 18: Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav today accused Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati of "hatching a conspiracy to finish the SP in connivance with some mafia dons". Addressing a public meeting at Dibiyapur near here, he alleged that attempts were being made to break the SP with the help of some bureaucrats and mafia dons.
Yadav said, "If the BJP has any moral courage, it should immediately withdraw support for the Mayawati government which is surviving on the backing of independent MLA Vijay Singh, who was yesterday sentenced to life imprisonment by a CBI court in Lucknow in the sensational Brahma Datt Dwivedi murder case." "Vijay Singh has more security than even a state minister," the SP chief alleged.
On the Taj heritage corridor controversy, he alleged that the construction around the Taj was being undertaken with the tacit approval of Mayawati and chief secretary D S Bagga. Yadav alleged that the chief minister, during her surprise inspections of Ambedkar villages, was suspending only those officials who had "failed to grease her palm".
Stating that the state government was neck-deep in corruption, he said Vajpayee was supporting a corrupt government'.
Former IAS officer Devidayal, along with hundreds of his supporters, joined the SP at the function, which was also addressed by SP general secretary Amar Singh. Bureau Report