New Delhi, June 17: Delay in monsoon and lack of pre-monsoon showers in most of the oilseeds growing areas is likely to have an adverse impact on early sowing and government is anticipating shortage of seeds in the case of all oilseeds. "Land preparation operations for Kharif sowings have been delayed. This may affect areas where early sowings are taken up. Shortage of seeds is expected in all oilseed crops, particularly groundnut and soyabean," according to an official note prepared by agriculture ministry.
The note titled, "oilseeds crop condition and prospects," says there is shortage of power in almost all the states and irrigation water is inadequate due to deficiency in rainfall during crop year 2002-03. The pre-monsoon crop of groundnut in Gujarat of around two lakh hectares and 40,000 hectares in Rajasthan depends on irrigation.
However, Kharif oilseeds are grown mostly under rainfed condition and not only has the onset of monsoon been delayed there has been lack of pre-monsoon showers in most oilseeds growing areas coupled with heat wave conditions, it said.
As a result Kharif sowing is delayed and may affect areas where early sowings are taken up. These include sesamum, groundnut and soyabean sowings in south interior Karnataka, sesamum and groundnut sowings in coastal Andhra Pradesh, pre-monsoon sowings in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra, the note added.
Rainfed crops sown in small areas in Tamil Nadu and interior Karnataka suffered moisture stress due to delay in monsoon. However, it is too early to gauge its overall impact on acreage under Kharif oilseeds in 2003.

Bureau Report