Mysore, June 25: Karnataka Chief Minister S M Krishna today said he was willing to discuss the Paragodu project issue with Andhra Pradesh which has raised strong objections to it. Speaking to reporters, he reiterated that the Paragodu project across Chitravathi river in Kolar district was meant for drinking water purpose and not irrigation. He, however, said if Andhra Pradesh wanted to go to the court on Paragodu, the state would not lag behind.

Krishna expressed satisfaction over the meeting the all-party delegation led by him had with President A P J Abdul Kalam and Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani in Delhi yesterday to explain the state's position on the project.

He said he was happy that Karnataka's objections to Andhra Pradesh's "unapproved projects", including Telugu Ganga, would also figure in the deferred Central Water Commission meeting in Delhi.

Following objections from Karnataka, the Centre had yesterday deferred the official level meeting on Paragodu. The state has said Andhra Pradesh's "unapproved projects" should also figure in the meeting. Bureau Report