Jalalabad (Afghanistan), Aug 11: Police in eastern Afghanistan seized weapons and explosives in two early morning raids today following a deadly explosion here that killed at least 11 people and injured about 90. At least 80 per cent of the village near the site of the Friday explosion - a highway construction firm warehouse - was destroyed in the blast.
UN agencies today were evaluating what aid was needed, Manoel de Almeida e Silva, UN spokesman in Kabul, said. He said 11 people were killed in the blast, including four children and a woman. Afghan estimates have ranged from 14 to 25 people killed.
Hazrat Ali, the military commander for Nangarhar province, insisted today that the explosion at the Afghan construction and logistical unit was caused by a bomb intended for the nearby Darunta hydroelectric dam. He said that intelligence had indicated an attack on the dam was imminent, so he had ordered increased security. Ali insisted that the bombers decided to attack the company's warehouse when they encountered the additional troops. But other officials, including foreign minister Abdullah, said it was an accident caused by explosives stored at the site. Bureau Report