Lucknow, Aug 28: Former chief minister and BSP national vice president Mayawati today resigned from Uttar Pradesh Assembly even as she cautioned BJP against trying to defame her in the Taj corridor case, an issue which added to the divide between the two parties and led to her government's collapse. "A letter in this regard (resignation) has already been sent to Speaker Kesari Nath Tripathi and now I will devote my time in carrying out a campaigning against the communal BJP," she told reporters here.
Mayawati said she had "definite information that some senior BJP leaders want to implicate her in the CBI probe into the Taj heritage corridor case".
"In case BJP indulged in any such misadventure BSP would teach them a lesson... I will wage a war against BJP not only in Uttar Pradesh but across the length and breadth of the country," she said.
She said now she would have spare time and she would use that "to teach BJP a lesson".
The BSP leader she will tour the country to "create public opinion against the communal BJP in order to uproot it".
Bureau Report