Taipei, Dec 08: Taiwan's government will try to repeal a new law that legalizes island-wide referendums but gives the legislature the power to screen the ballot issues, officials said today.

The law that was passed on November 27 was mostly written by the opposition, which controls the legislature. The cabinet wanted the law to allow the government to call a referendum during peacetime, but the opposition's law didn't allow this.
Cabinet official Hsu Chih-Hsiung told reporters that the government planned to try to repeal the law.
“The law passed by the legislature twisted the original law proposed by the cabinet. There are contradictions,'' Hsu said.
The referendum law only allows the president to call a vote when the island's sovereignty is threatened by a foreign power.
If the cabinet calls for a revote to repeal the law, at least 112 lawmakers in the 223-member legislature would have to approve the repeal.
Bureau Report