London: Angelina Jolie has revealed that a lot of their friends warned her and her husband Brad Pittagainst making their movie ' By the Sea ,' which is a drama about a bad marriage.


The 39-year-old actress said that their friends, who thought but didn't say that it is was a really a bad idea, asked the duo a few times if they were sure they wanted to do it, the Mirror reported.

The couple started filming the film shortly after they tied the knot in August which made the pals concerned that playing a husband and wife struggling with their relationship in the forthcoming drama would spill over into everyday life.

Jolie recently admitted it was uncomfortable but the pair, who are stronger for it, have already shot it and survived it.

Jolie added that the movie, which is set during the 1970s and sees former dancer Vanessa and her writer husband Roland travel together, was very tough material, so for any actors it was heavy dramatic emotional work.